A little extra warmth…a little extra comfort…a LOT of care for our communities. Our Pillows & PJs event at the Newburgh Armory Unity Center with Local 17, James Skoufis and Assemblymember Jonathan Jacobson saw 612 pillows and 665 pairs of pajamas go home with families just in time for the holidays. Proud to support the communities we live in, work in and raise our families in!
The past two years have been especially difficult on families across the country, and the Laborers are proud to have the opportunity to cross these items off holiday shopping lists.

“Laborers Local 17 is committed to being a strong community partner here in Newburgh, and throughout our region,” said L. Todd Diorio, Business Manager, Laborers Local 17. “It’s our belief that as our union thrives, it’s our duty to do what we can to help our community thrive. By creating partnerships with extraordinary organizations such as the Newburgh Armory Unity Center, we have the ability to volunteer our time and resources to uplift those in need – and we consider it a privilege to do so.”
“The Laborers International Union of North America believes that strong unions build strong communities, “ said Frank Marchese, Jr., Executive Director, New York State Laborers’ Health and Safety Trust Fund. “It’s our goal to ensure the brother and sisterhood that bonds our membership together is extended into the neighborhoods we build. The holidays can be especially financially stressful for families, and we want to help ease that burden in any small way we can.”