A7491B (Bronson)/S5868B (Harckham) requires the payment of prevailing wages to construction workers  in order to be eligible for tangible property tax credits associated with brownfield remediation.

Brownfields present unique environmental and public health hazards, making timely and efficient remediation essential.

Prevailing wage requirements for brownfield remediation will:

  • Promote the use of a trained and skilled workforce
  • Create healthier, more environmentally friendly communities 
  • Spur economic growth
  • Promote workplace safety
  • Increase project efficiency
  • Allow more workers to join the middle class

Help us clean up the environment in our local communities, while uplifting the construction workers tasked with performing the work. 

Enter your information below to get the message to your Governor! The time is now to sign A7491B/S5868B into law!